Za. 4 februari 2023 – 20:00
Shaza Manla presenteert:

Merem Ensemble

Griekse muziek en jazzimprovisaties

Het Merem Ensemble presenteert originele composities en persoonlijke arrangementen geïnspireerd door modale Griekse muziek en jazzimprovisaties. In dit concert maken ze een reis door dromerige klanken en improvisaties die hun wortels en hun taal met poëzie, nieuwe klanken en muzikale beelden verbinden.

Merem Ensemble:
Vanessa Kourtesi, zang
Yiannis Vagianos - contrabas,
Dimitra Metzaki - ud,
Yiorgos Bereris - piano,
Ektoras Remsak drums

About Merem Ensemble:
Merem ensemble was created in Rotterdam in 2021 by the musicians Dimitra Metzaki(oud), Giorgos Bereris (piano), Vanessa Kourtesi (vocals), Giannis Vagianos (double bass) and Hektor Remsak (drums). The members of the band met in Rotterdam during their studies in Codarts Conservatory and they are all based in Rotterdam.

Their common roots, as they all come from Greece, led them to the need to perform music that is strongly connected to their home country, combining it with jazz flavors and a modern sound. Their sound is soft, poetic and colorful. The members of the band are a combination of the jazz and traditional music scene.

They have started to work immediately, as they understood there is a special connection between them. Despite the lockdown and the sterilized period of covid, they have brought new compositions that clearly bring an eastern flavor to their music. At the moment, they are working on their own compositions that they aim to record this season in a full album but also on arrangements of traditional Greek songs.

They have toured western Europe last winter and this summer they had their first appearances in Amorgos, Greece. Their first single ''Yiasemi'' was recorded in Okapi studios in Rotterdam. At the moment they are preparing a series of concerts in the Netherlands and Greece while working on their next single which will be released by the end of 2022.

Ook lid worden?

Ruim 60 concerten per jaar voor € 9,99 per maand.

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Steun Splendor!