Wed. 9 October 2024 – 20:30 Buy tickets
Maarten Ornstein

Norwegian Wood

Nordic traditionals and baroque

An evening packed with Norwegian dances, Swedish baroque, undiluted Scandi-bluegrass and lots more, born from an earlier collaboration by the musicians at the Dudok Muziekdagen last May. Marleen Wester (violinist in the Dudok Quartet) will bring her beautiful Hardanger Fiddle, a traditional Nordic instrument that blends sublimely with the vihuela, theorbo and the bass clarinet.

Marleen Wester - violin, hardanger fiddle
Mike Fentross - theorbe, vihuela
Maarten Ornstein - bass clarinet


Ticket €15.00
CJP/Stadspas (groene stip) €12.50
Members (discount ticket) €12.50
Studenten €5.00
Gast musici (excl de eerste 2 gratis*) Gratis
Gast Splendor (de gratis tickets voor musici, *meestal 2) Gratis
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