Music lessons

Use special instruments to make your own music! 
On Saturdays, Splendor is transformed into a world of musical discovery for preschoolers. Splendor musician Iris Oltheten gives music lessons to two groups: age 2-3 (accompanied by (grand) parents) and one group age 4-6 years.   

We make music together on unique instruments specially designed for us by Tutti Timbri. Now and then, we also take a peek at musicians rehearsing in the clubhouse in order to learn about different music instruments and styles. 

Join up!

Two mini courses of 5 lessons (on Saturday mornings) will start this spring again, soon to be announced.

Iris Oltheten leads two courses: one for toddlers from 2 years old, with their parents present in the room, from 10:00 AM to 10:35 AM (and play freely with the instruments until 10:45 AM). The second group is for slightly older children and is more like a laboratory: there is more space to create new music with the Splendor instruments. The kindergarten lab is without parents and is suitable for children from approximately 3.5 to 6 years old. It runs from 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM.


Price: € 60 for 5 lessons ((grand)children of Splendor members € 50)

info Kids Ages 2 or 3

info Kids Ages 3.5 to 6


Get in touch with Iris at muziekles@splendoramsterdam.com