Support us, become a Splendor member!
For € 120 per year (or € 10 per month) you can attend 50 concerts organized by the Splendor musicians in Splendor, for free. As a Splendor member you receive a discount for all other concerts.
Get Closer to the Music
Become a member of Splendor and help support our musical laboratory. Get access to adventurous concerts and enjoy the beauty of the classics in an intimate setting. With 50 top-notch musicians, there's something for every music lover!
Join us
For just € 120 a year or € 10 a month you have free access to over 50 concerts and special events.
Under 30?
Then you pay only € 55 a year or € 5 a month
Stadspas Groene Stip?
Do you have a Stadspas Groene Stip? Then you pay only € 55 a year or € 5 a month
Want to make a direct donation?
Your gift is tax-deductible since Splendor has non-profit ('Cultural ANBI') status (RSIN 822242448). Just make your transfer to bank account NL67 TRIO 0254 8017 30 under the name Stichting Splendor. The BIC or SWIFT code is TRIONL2U.

'Great spot with a front row seat to amazing concerts.'
'Visitors have given Splendor a rating of 4.8 ★★★★★'
Your membership entitles you to all 50 membersconcerts. In addition, it will give you access to special events such as the Splendor Parade and Splendor Moments, exclusively organised for our members. You can start your membership at any time.
You can choose between monthly or annual payments. Whether you choose to pay monthly or annually, we'll always deduct the money on the date when your membership started.
You can pick up your personal membership pass at the box office at the next concert you visit.
Your membership can only be used by you. However, your pass enables you to reserve tickets for friends at the regular price.
All reservations are saved in your account and can be scanned from your Splendor pass, you do not have to print any tickets.
Yes. Please send us a short email to before 12:00PM on the day of the concert.
You bet! Click here for more information.
A Splendor membership is not tax deductable. Donations, however, may have significant tax advantages. Read here for more information.
Just click here and fill in your contact information as well as those of the recipient. We'll send off their pass within a week to the address given. The membership itself is activated right away.
The Splendor Foundation is officially recognized as non-profit institution ('ANBI' in Dutch). We are fully committed to our social mission which you can read about here.
Splendor is the brainchild of bassist Wilmar de Visser. He brought together 49 liked-minded musicians in order to realize his dream. Splendor consists of 50 musicians, over 1000 members, 120 bond holders and has attracted 50,000 visitors since its beginning.
If you have chosen for automatic payment, your Splendor membership will be automatically renewed each year. If you'd like to cancel it, just send us an email to