
Body & Sound - workshops by Moving Strings


Movement Research and Improvisation classes for Dancers/Movers with Live Music

with Manuela Lucia Tessi and musicians from Moving Strings 

Noticing a need for movers to work with live music, dancer and choreographer Manuela Lucia Tessi will facilitate a series of classes in which she will share some tools and methods of her research and experience of many years of working with musicians. 

In this series in particular she will collaborate with Moving Strings ensemble members, inviting a different musician for each class, focusing each time on a specific topic (phrasing, space, rhythm, counterpoint, tension, movement quality/sound quality..)

In these classes participants will dive deeper into refining how it is for movers to work with live music. Manuela is interested in reflecting on the practice, informed by working in the last few years as a choreographer in close collaboration with Moving Strings. 

Manuela is organising these classes at Splendor, feeling it is an ideal location for dancers and movers to be in touch with the music scene, and providing more insight into the research of sound and movement Moving Strings is delving into. 

MANUELA LUCIA TESSI is an independent dance artist whose speciality is movement research and composition as it relates to (live) music.  Originally from Italy, she has spent the last 20 years in the Netherlands , and most recently she started working more regularly in Berlin and Cape Town where she creates, performs and co-curates platforms that foster the interdisciplinary collaboration of music and dance in performance. 


Each class is €18 for participants. (€10 for students)

Classes can be attended individually.  Places limited, register lunamatisse@yahoo.it

Saturdays 10:00-12:00, dates and musicians:

29th April  (grote zaal) Noortje Köhne - viola and Camille Verhaak- clarinet

6th May (grote zaal) Irene Sorozabal - recorder/voice

13th May (kleine zaal) Alex Welch - viola

20th May  (grote zaal)  Jonathan Nagel - double bass

3rd June (grote zaal) Maya Felixbrodt - viola

10th June (grote zaal)  Alex Welch - viola

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