Zo. 18 juni 2023 – 20:00
Emily Beynon

Victor Somma - Minimal Dreams

Fluiten en elektronica duiken diep in het onderbewuste

Minimal Dreams is een solo-optreden van Victor Somma met een serie stukken voor sopraan, alt, basfluiten en een looper (loop-pedaal). Victor roept de oervorm van ons onderbewustzijn op door voorouderlijke klanken van Afro-Indiaanse fluiten te vertalen naar de context van moderne fluiten.

Victor Somma: 'The looper pedal creates a kaleidoscope, in which countless melodic layers are superimposed and interspersed in a profusion of ideas that finally create a type of composition that is partly the composer's mind and partly created at the very moment of the performance. A non-strict type of minimalism, in which the looper pedal, with its simultaneous loops and independent time length proportions, allows the connection with an essential attribute of music making – to create an intersubjective universe between performer and audience.

Usually called extended techniques, the effects explored in Minimal Dreams are inspired by the flutes of different Afro-Amerindian cultures, for which the concept of "extended" does not apply, since every sound produced by the instrument is part of it.

This performance seeks to create, as in dreams, the symbols that manage to cross the barriers of the subconscious, emerging through images and emotions yearning to be incorporated into ourselves.'

Victor Somma - fluiten en elektronica

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