Co-session #6
A blending of dance and music, uniting artists of diverse generations
"Co-Session #6" unfolds as a profound melding of dance and music, curated by the Improvisation Lab Platform Collectief Imprography and the distinguished master of improvisation, saxophonist Michael Moore. This performance epitomizes the art of seamless integration, expanding a rhizomatic interplay and counterpoint between movement and sound.
We extend a special invitation to Julyen Hamilton, a master of improvisational dance, to join us once more on this unique artistic journey. At the heart of this session is our commitment to fostering ongoing dialogue and connectivity, revitalizing Amsterdam's rich tradition of improvisational art. We aim to rekindle the spirit of creativity and collaboration, presenting a unique experience that transcends conventional performance boundaries.
We invite audiences to immerse themselves in a journey through evolving landscapes of tone and manner, engaging in a live, communal sensory exploration. This endeavor celebrates the transformative process of 'becoming,' navigating the unknown with simplicity, boldness, and clarity. Devotees of dance and music are warmly invited to this exceptional blend of artistry and improvisation.
"Co-Session #6" offers more than just an improvisational performance; it is an immersive sharing experience designed to challenge and broaden the horizons of artistic expression, uniting diverse generations of artists in an intimate avant-garde improvisation setting in Amsterdam.
dance: Julyen Hamilton, Eleni Pantazatou, Christian Gurermatchi, Edward Lloyd and Miri Lee
muaic: Mary Oliver - violin, viola, Liam Elion - trombone/bass, Michael Moore - clarinet/alto sax