Thu. 11 April 2024 – 19:30
Jawa Manla presents:

Distant Roots - Jawa Manla

Distant Roots Album Presentation

Singer and oud player Jawa Manla knows what it's like to be far from home. Hailing from Syria, she ended up in the Netherlands via Egypt and Turkey. She finds solace in Arabic poetry, which reminds her of her childhood in Damascus. Inspired by these memories, she created the music for her album Distant Roots. "The poetry added the shine to the music that I was seeking, and made the music exactly as I had imagined it."

Jawa: "Distant Roots explores the profound emotions linked to the impossibility of returning home, resonating with a profound longing for familiar landscapes and the cherished memories of my upbringing. Rooted in the compelling power and beauty of Arabic poetry—a passion bestowed upon me by my father, a distinguished poet—the album finds its inspiration.

The album unfolds as a profound exploration of varied emotional states and a reflection on my personal musical journey. Originating in Damascus and traversing through Cairo, Istanbul, Greece, and ultimately finding resonance in Amsterdam, "Distant Roots" charts a sonic odyssey. Its purpose is to forge a connection between my forcibly displaced roots and my present abode. Through the evocative language of music, I seek to bridge the gap between my past and present, delving into themes of nostalgia and loss while embracing the intricate facets of my evolving identity."

Jawa Manla (Oud)
Elif Cenvfza Gündüz (Kemençe)
Adèle Viret (Cello)
Munzer Al Kaddour (Reads Arabic text)

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