Sun. 13 October 2024 – 14:00
Luke Deane

Dance Hack: Muziek, Dans & Technologie Festival

Sound artists, dancers, live-coders and visual artists search together for new languages

DanceHack is an annual coming together of technologists, dancers, choreographers and other like-minded people with the primary goal of exploring and creating new possibilities at the intersection of dance and technology.

This year’s theme is called: A Body of Work. This title is intended to recognize and renew our interest in the human body and its own inherent technology, physicality and creativity. While this year’s hack will be open to any and all ideas, the primary focus will be about that which makes dance so special to begin with: the human being and their body/minds/feelings/spirits, engaging and expressing with others and the world through sensorially attuned movement. With the DanceHack, can we do this while being inspired and engaged with different forms of technology? What is it to be a body that dances in a rapidly shifting technological world? Can we develop practices that foreground healthy, sane approaches to integrating dance with technology? Can we deepen our ability to use the tools we invent rather than focusing on constant invention for its own sake? What is it to simplify rather than make more complex?

An exciting array of young artists and musicians are creating together in small groups, and present their sketches to a live audience, facilitated by the Dance Hack team.



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