Sun. 1 December 2024 – 20:15
Antonii Baryshevskyi presents:

(Splen)door to Ukraine III: Kyiv Avant-garde '60 (lezing & pianoconcert)

Lecture by Ihor Sukhorukov and piano recital by Antonii Baryshevskyi

It is impossible to imagine contemporary Ukrainian classical music without them: Silvestrov, Zahortsev, Hodziatsky, and others were students of modernist composer Borys Lyatoshynsky who transferred classical musical tradition to the young generation. Сomposers of the informal group “Kyiv Avant-Garde of the 1960s” created music that challenged socialist realism — the only acceptable musical and aesthetic style in the USSR. They maintained contacts with composers in Europe and the US and smuggled books about 12-tone music and scores of the Second Viennese School and Polish modernists to study them and “to catch up with the West diligently”.

Antonii Baryshevskyi - piano,
Ihor Sukhorukov - lecture



insta: https://www.instagram.com/nomadische_boekenplank/

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