Thu. 8 July 2021 – 19:30
Luke Deane

Aktas Erdogan & Luke Deane

An evening of contemporary song

Multi-instrumentalist Aktas Erdogan (Duduk & Ney) presents his wonderful trio live in Splendor with Luke Deane (Piano & Vocale).

Splendor musician Luke Deane will soon release his first full length album called "Footsteps On The Wall" featuring Asko Schoenberg. A member of the Sextet is the brilliant multi-instrumentalist Aktas Erdogan.

Luke invites Aktas to play several songs from the album and to present his own trio project which is currently on tour in the Netherlands. They will present several songs played together in a sensitive combination of voices.

Aktaş Erdoğan - guitar, duduk, ney
Mutlu Kızılgedik - bağlama
Boris Oud - bass
Luke Deane - piano & vocale

Luke Deane is offering Splendor members to book a seat for free

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