Tue. 22 February 2022 – 19:30
Moving Strings presents:

Encuentro 6

An evening of music, dance and performance

Encuentros are evenings of performance where several makers showcase new work for each other and a small audience to enable exchange and discussion during the creative process. Each Encuentro hosts two or three short sets by makers coming from various disciplines —music, dance, theatre, poetry, storytelling, visual arts…

These evenings are funded by Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst.

This edition includes three works: I am angry, a performance experiment by Antti Uimonen; Rebolada, a music performance by Irene Sorozábal and Adrián Moncada and The Shell, a dance piece by Manuela Tessi.

The Shell
Created and performed by Manuela Lucia Tessi
Music sources: Arvind Ganga, Ben Brown a.o.,
edited by M.L.Tessi,
Dramaturgy advice: Thalia Laric,
Sound advice: Ben Brown

Born from the question: why do I dance, and why do I do it in front of an audience, ‘The Shell’ is an inquiry into when form becomes an empty shell to shield one’s vulnerability. It also questions the tension between the formality of a trained body and the pure, raw essence of the dance. “As a young woman I started to dance because I wanted to be admired and desired; to dance in order to entice, seduce, impress. My motivation to dance has shifted radically in the last few years. I feel more and more a necessity to empower through dance, to remind the public of their own body, of the joy and pleasure of having a body and fully living in it. My desire to perform is now to embrace the body as a conduit for an embodied spirituality.” The Shell was performed on 16 July 2020 at Theatre Arts in Cape Town and in Amsterdam at Mimefabriek on 6,7,8 May 2021

I am ANGRY created and performed by Antti Uimonen

I am ANGRY. There it goes. Change is required to maintain the living conditions of the planet. But why do we continue destroying our living environment? I am ANGRY is a performance experiment related to my artistic research to speculate and imagine alternative sustainable futures. The performance experiment use elements of stand-up comedy, body movements, and digital technologies to investigate and expose conditions, thoughts, and emotions relating to humans’ inability and unwillingness to deal with change.

Created and performed by: Irene Sorozábal (voice) and Adrián Moncada (piano)

With their new project Adrián and Irene present a musical reflection on their cultural roots: Rebolada is a voice and piano performance in which each of their musical histories converges in a common language between folklore, contemporary jazz and historical performance practice. The initial idea of the project stems from a folklore collection by Agapito Marazuela: Cancionero de Castilla la Vieja. Adrián and Irene have been exploring this collection which contains more than 300 vocal and instrumental pieces from Segovia (Spain). Adrián and Irene would like to offer an entry to this repertoire through a contemporary perspective. In his prologue Marazuela explains a rebolada is the first morning performance in a Castilian festivity. “[The musicians] go around the village during the first hours of dawn waking up the neighbours with the boisterous joy characteristic of the locals”. This project is in itself a sort of awakening. To a forgotten folklore. To a repertoire they have not had direct access to. And to a revitalised sense of their musical origin.

Please Note: a Coronatoegangsbewijs is required for this concert. Click here for more information.

Sliding scale tickets: €5 - €7,50 - €10 - €12,50 - €15
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