Sun. 10 April 2022 – 16:00
Anne La Berge

T.ON met te gast: Anne La Berge

Protagonists of the Cologne free impro scene

When Splendor musician Anne La Berge organises something, there will always be intriguing adventurers of the contemporary/avant-garde scene involved. Today we will hear T.ON: a new ensemble consisting of three of the most active international protagonists of the Cologne free impro scene. The musicians of T.ON come from jazz, contemporary and pop backgrounds, and they interweave these genres into a simple, abstract language that nevertheless has a narrative character. Common playing techniques of the trombone, drums and double bass get extended in this visionary, poetic and controversial music that remains exciting for audiences from all backgrounds.

For this special concert, T.ON meets the Amsterdam-based flutist, improviser and composer Anne La Berge. They will play music from their recently released CD “T.ON plays La Berge | Greenstone | Pluta | Wooley”.

Matthias Muche trombone
Etienne Nillesen drums
Constantin Herzog double bass
Anne La Berge flutes and electronics

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