Tue. 5 July 2022 – 20:30
Marc Alberto presents:

João Orecchia & Marc Alberto

Musical polyglots meet on stage

Musical and creative polyglots MARC & JOAO meet on stage for improvisations on bass clarinet, saxophones and modular synthesizers.

Marc Alberto
The highly creative Euro-Caribbean sound artist Marc Alberto (they/them) continuously develops themself in ways that are hard to categorise. They searches ceaselessly for a remarkably personal sound on his various saxophones, composes electro-acoustic music, and –from an early age – Marc has been involved with a carrousel of creative projects as a producer, multi instrumentalist, poet, arranger, sound artist&designer, vocalist, educator and band leader. Marc is part of Splendor's Young Bloods from 2020 to 2022.

João Orecchia
Artist, composer and musician João Renato Orecchia Zúñiga was born in New York's mixed immigrant communities to Peruvian and Italian parents, and found his way via London and Berlin to Johannesburg where he is currently based. This versatile background is apparent in his work, in which he always searches for unknown territories. In the musical and visual arts underground scenes of London, Berlin and Johannesburg, he played in countless bands and composed for dance, theatre, film and solo releases. As a self-taught musician and sound artist, João is fascinated by the connective capacities of sound through experimentation, improvisation and the balance between computer technology, field recordings and traditional musical instruments. He worked with world renowned visual artists such as William Kentridge and Kudzanai Chiurai, and received the South African Film & Television Award for sound design.

Sliding scale tickets: €5 - €10 - €15 - €20 - 30
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