Sun. 26 February 2023 – 20:00
Michael Moore

August 38th


August 38th is a vocal ensemble consisting of 9 professional singers, performers from The Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, United States of America, Ukraine, Australia, Turkey and Latvia based in Amsterdam. The focus of this group is improvisation, exploring different possibilities in creating musical textures, atmospheres and stories by using the human voice.

The singers have different backgrounds in the folk music of their countries, European academic music and jazz vocals. Their performance might make you feel like you are a part of a ritual, laugh, cry, imagine colors, shapes, landscapes or remember your childhood dreams.

August 38th is embracing the spontaneous, conversation-like, edgy and witty ways of music making that are characteristic to the improvised music scene of Amsterdam. There's compositions of such notable Amsterdam musicians as Misha Mengelberg, Sean Bergin, Michael Moore on their repertoire.

Laura Polence, Annelie Koning, Jodi Gilbert, Sanem Kalfa, Marta Arpini, Saskia Oving, Julia Werner, Maryana Golovchenko, Felicity Provan - voice

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