Sun. 19 November 2023 – 15:00
Ties Mellema

Improv Sunday

Expect the Unexpected with three unique improvisation ensembles.

Three unique trios that have never played together before. Including:

Splendor member Ties Mellema decided, after a prolonged illness, to compose alongside playing the saxophone with electronics.

Guitarist Theo Holsheimer bridges the gap between jazz, metal, and contemporary classical music. Always in search of sonic landscapes through the use of effects.

Percussionist, composer, improviser, and performer Bart de Vrees works with both traditional (acoustic) instruments/voices and new media such as (live) electronics and video.

Improviser Angelika Sheridan developed her own sonic language on the bass flute, combining conventional techniques with contemporary and self-developed techniques.

Canadian double bassist Aaron Lumley has been residing in Amsterdam since 2019. Lumley explores the extensive sonic range of the acoustic double bass and is an adventurous musician who plays an instrument tuned in fifths, using a self-made bow.

Ivo Bol creates his own sonic world with found sounds. The hum of the refrigerator, a forgotten cassette tape, the crackling of the LP before the music begins.

Percussionist Marcos Baggiani is known for his infectious way of playing, full of abandon. His personal focus is flexibility, improvisation, and the dynamics of expression and energy.

Maarten Ornstein plays tenor saxophone, clarinet and bass clarinet and works as a composer and arranger. A musician of astonishing diversity, he plays and composes a wide variety of music, ranging from jazz to baroque and from classical Arabic to contemporary funk.

Canadian multi-instrumentalist and composer Marielle Groven performs on violin, piano and pipe organ and composes for various ensembles. Her composed music foregrounds the beauty and complexity of raw sound roughly hewn using basic compositional methods

Ties Mellema, saxophone, synths
Theo Holsheimer, guitar
Bart de Vrees, percussion, synths
Ivo Bol, samplers, synths
Angelika Sheridan, flute
Aaron Lumley, double bass
Maarten Ornstein, saxophone, clarinet
Marielle Groven, piano, violin
Marcos Baggiani, drums

Sliding scale tickets: €5 - €7,50 - €10 - €12,50 - €15
Open to everyone, pay what you can!
There is no difference in price categories, you can decide where you’d like to sit (or be) upon arrival.

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