Wed. 30 October 2024 – 20:00 Buy tickets
Marnix Dorrestein

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Mother (Edith Leerkes) and son (Marnix Dorrestein) play their own pieces mixed with some classics

Marnix invites a very special guest to his Splendor members concert this year: his mother. Edith Leerkes made a splash with the Amsterdam Guitar Trio and has been on the road with Herman van Veen for 30 years. She made four solo CDs and wrote music for a number of children's plays. Marnix and Edith will play each other's written material with an occasional classic that they always wanted to sing together in the mix.

Edith Leerkes & Marnix Dorrestein


Members Free
Ticket €16.50
CJP/Stadspas (groene stip)/Studenten €9.50
Plantagepas €5.00
Plantagepas €5.00
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Introducé 2024 Gratis
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