Thu. 31 October 2024 – 20:00 Buy tickets
Heleen Hulst
presents at Uilenburgersjoel:

Van Swieten Society #5

Playing quartets on the Olympus

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This concert will take place in de Uilenburgersjoel - Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91

Greater contrasts than between Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, the warlike poet, Carl Maria von Weber, innovator of German opera, the bohemian Jan Ladislaus Dussek and first true romantic Robert Schumann, are hardly imaginable. Yet they lived in the same era and shared the same musical language. Louis Ferdinand and Dussek were unlikely friends. Dussek was at his side when the prince fell at the Battle of Saalfeld and composed a heartbreaking musical epitaph. Carl Maria von Weber is known today less for his chamber music than for his operas. But his piano quartet proves the Iron Repertory wrong. Robert Schumann achieved as a composer what he failed to achieve as a pianist: eternal musical fame. His piano quartet is one of his most classic and best-loved works. With these four, we imagine a classical Salon, atop Olympus, where these different geniuses share the stage.

Jan Ladislaus Dussek Pianoquartet in Es, op. 56 Carl Maria von Weber Pianoquartet in Bes, op. 8 Louis Ferdinand van Pruisen Andante mit Variationen in Bes, op. 4 Robert Schumann Pianoquartet in Es, op. 47

Jan Ladislaus Dussek Piano quartet in Es, op. 56
Carl Maria von Weber Piano quartet in Bes, op. 8
Louis Ferdinand van Pruisen Piano quartet Andante mit Variationen in Bes, op. 4
Robert Schumann Piano quartet in Es, op. 47

Van Swieten Society:
Heleen Hulst - violin
Elisabeth Smalt - viola
Mátyás Virág - cello
Bart van Oort - fortepiano

The Van Swieten Society is a collective of musicians with a passion for chamber music from the classical and early-romantic periods. The ensemble plays on period instruments and regularly invites guest musicians who are related to its playing style. This flexible approach guarantees an adventurous choice of repertoire with various line-ups. The Van Swieten Society specialises first and foremost in the great masters of the musically rich period from Bach to Schumann. In addition, intensive research in international libraries still yields new discoveries; high-quality works that have fallen into oblivion for all kinds of reasons and deserve to be heard again. All this leads to colourful programmes with strong themes.



PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This concert will take place in de Uilenburgersjoel - Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91


Ticket €23.00
Members (discount ticket) €20.00
CJP/Stadspas (groene stip) €18.00
Studenten €5.00
Gast musici (excl de eerste 2 gratis*) Gratis
Gast Splendor (de gratis tickets voor musici, *meestal 2) Gratis
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