Sat. 26 October 2024 – 15:00 Buy tickets
Bart de Kater

(Not) an Answer

On our relationship with the universe and the divine

“(Not) an Answer” is a new audiovisual program for clarinet, live electronics and live generated visuals, created through artistic collaboration between clarinetist and composer Jaime Peña Martínez and visual artist Guillermo Martín-Viana. Meditative and profound yet accessible, “(Not) an Answer” invites the audience to explore and reflect on spirituality, magic and religious thinking and their place in modern western life.

The aim of our project is not to give an answer any of these questions, but to raise them and invite the audience to leave the hall thinking about life, death, meaning, morality, magic, the universe and everything that makes us human.

Jaime Peña Martínez - clarinet and composition
Guillermo Martín-Viana - live visual art


Ticket €16.50
Members (discount ticket) €14.50
CJP/Stadspas (groene stip)/Studenten €10.00
Gast musici (excl de eerste 2 gratis*) Gratis
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