Chamber music and songs by Kimball Huigens
Kimball Huigens is a pianist as well as a composer. Translating whale music into human music is one of the goals he has set himself as a composer. He has spent years researching the form and the type of intervals Humpback whales use in their songs.
At this concert you will hear chamber music works and songs by Kimball Huigens. Most of the compositions you will hear are world premieres! The musicians who work with Kimball to present his first performances to you are all beyond excellent. Masterful and passionate musicians will contribute to this concert. They all dared to rehearse the technically and musically very demanding works for you.
Kimball will therefore proudly present his Sonatina for violin and piano, performed by none other than Liza Ferschtman and Daniel Kramer. He himself will present the heart and origin of his songs to you with the wonderful mezzo-soprano Ekaterina Levental. Gilad Nezer, the great bass and cantor in the LJG (Liberaal Joodse Gemeente), Kimball has asked for the Adrianide: A cycle of songs on texts by the poet Adriaan Lakerveld, who died young. Kimball has dedicated the Duétude for two pianos to the already legendary great pianist Bernd Brackman.
It goes without saying that they will also play the world premiere together twice, as Mahler used to do at the Dutch premiere of his fourth symphony in the Concertgebouw. These are the largest, but not even the only works you will hear. There are some surprises in the program that will try to thrill you on the day itself. Be welcome and come to the concert!
Liza Ferschtman, violin
Ekaterina Levental, mezzo soprano
Gilad Nezer, bass
Bernd Brackman, piano
Daniel Kramer, piano
Kimball Huigens, piano
Duétude (eerste uitvoering) voor twee piano's
opgedragen aan Bernd Brackman
Bernd Brackman, piano 1
Kimball Huigens, piano 2
Twee liederen op gedichten van Nikolai Gumilov
1. Zesde Zintuig
2. Olifantje
Ekaterina Levental, mezzosopraan
Kimball Huigens, piano
Sonatine voor viool en piano
1. Stap voor stap
2. Menuzzo - Trietto - Menuzzo
3. Lied met woorden
4. Toccalata
Liza Ferschtman, viool
Daniel Kramer, piano
Duétude (tweede uitvoering) voor twee piano's
opgedragen aan Bernd Brackman
Bernd Brackman, piano 1
Kimball Huigens, piano 2
Prelude en Elegie
voor piano solo
opgedragen aan Willem Mulder
Kimball Huigens, piano
op het gelijknamige gedicht van Anna Akhmatova
opgedragen aan Ekaterina Levental
Ekaterina Levental, mezzosopraan
Raphaela Danksagmüller, duduk
Paul van Utrecht, gitaar/electrische gitaar
Kimball Huigens, piano
Cyclus voor bas en piano op 11 gedichten van Adriaan Lakerveld
1. Aan de oever van iets staan
2. Aftelversje
3. Perfect gedicht
4. Lente
5. De dans
6. Kip is ziek
7. Het okkertje
8. Sterfdag
9. Als ik morgen dood ben
10. Mist en donder allerwegen
11. Uitnodiging
Gilad Nezer, bas
Kimball Huigens, piano