Sun. 3 December 2023 – 11:00
Johan van Iersel

Nuala McKenna & Robert Kulek

Nuala and Robert present their new CD with 20th century works for cello and piano

On her second album, Nuala McKenna has once again made a selection of particularly beautiful 20th-century pieces. All three composers wrote the works on this album DUO in disturbing and turbulent times; during a world war.

Bohuslav Martinu fled to the United States in 1940. He called the premiere of his first cello sonata the 'last greeting from a better world'.

Poulenc's Cello Sonata from 1940 was received with little enthusiasm after its first performance. Some critics rated it as 'pleasant but nothing more...'.

Paul Hindemith wrote his 'Three Pieces for cello and piano Op.8' during his studies in 1917. He later dismissed his works from this creative period as 'unbearable'.

Nuala and Robert will play excerpts from the CD. They will discuss the creation of this project with each other and the audience and give a look behind the scenes. Including a delicious glass Glühwein and homemade biscuits to start the Advent season!

Nuala McKenna - cello
Robert Kulek - piano

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