Tue. 30 April 2024 – 20:00
Jan Willem Baljet

Jan Willem Baljet & Antonii Baryshevskyi

CD Hugo Wolf Mörikelieder - Splendor Records

After their successful concert in January '23 with ao music of Hugo Wolf, where they tremendously enjoyed their mutual artistry, Jan Willem Baljet - baritone and Antonii Baryshevskyi - piano decided to record 13 songs of the genius, contumacious composer, set to texts of Eduard Mörike. Recorded by Splendors own technician Hans van Eck and with Splendors Jack-of-all-trades, wizard Mattijs van de Woerd as Tonmeister, this cd is a real Splendorcollaboration and the fifth jewel of Splendor records. A must-have for the true art-song aficionado. On this night, Jan Willem and Antonii will sing and play a couple of Wolf/Mörikesongs , will tell you about the creation of the cd, will issue the first official copy and, of course, you can obtain your own.

Jan Willem Baljet - baritone
Antonii Baryshevskyi- piano

Member concert
Splendor can only be the independent and free hub that it is, thanks to the members who support us. We pay them back with our specialty: music. Every year, all Splendor musicians play one concert that's free for this crucial group to whom Splendor owes its everyday existence. Combined with many other events, this means that our members have free entrance to about 80 concerts a year for €9,99 p/m (and €4,99 p/m for minima and students!) – and receive a discount for all other concerts. Pretty good deal, right?

The members enable Splendor to remain independent, which is the only way to secure real freedom in programming, experimentation, risk-taking and the promotion of young, upcoming artists. If you can think of another place without a central programming, where last-minute concerts can be planned any moment, where there is no backstage and artists and audience are constantly mingling and hanging out at the bar, where mysterious creative outbursts can be presented that are often labeled 'too risky' elsewhere, and that still guarantees high quality by unleashing the best of The Netherlands' music scene in this creative playground – you get a free membership!

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